Home Access optical fiber broadband service provides unlimited high speed internet access at an affordable cost to your family
Paket Family
*12 Months Minimum Contract
Paket Elite
*12 Months Minimum Contract
Quickaccess wireless broadband services provide high speed unlimited internet access at an affordable cost , quickaccess improve browsing up to 10 Mbps
Basic Package
*For 3 Months
Medium Package
*For 3 Months
Elite Package
*For 3 Months
Wireless broadband services dedicated TurboAccess Semi provide fast Internet access super very suitable for the needs of corporations , enjoy Download and Upload speed Min . 5 Mbps up to 30 Mbps
Turbo Access
*For 3 Months
Turbo Access
*For 3 Months
Turbo Access
*For 3 Months
Solutions for internet service quality at economical price , with a stable connection
high speed for 24 hours!
Solutions for internet service quality at economical price , with a stable connection
high speed for 24 hours!
Jl. Pos Pengumben Raya No. 20A
Jakarta Barat 11560
Telp: 021 - 5366 5477 (24 Jam)
Ruko Harco Mangga Dua Plaza Blok H. No. 22
Jakarta 10730
Telp: 021 - 6013 858
( Office Hour : Senin s/d Jumat )
Jalan Pramuka No. 49A Kelurahan Lamokato
Kolaka 93511
Telp: 0811 400 8877
(Office Hour : Senin s/d Jumat)
JL. Raya Wangun No. 294
Bogor 16146
Telp: 0251 - 8341 840
(Office Hour : Senin s/d Sabtu)
Jl. Mayor Sastraatmaja No. 53
Cirebon 45114
Telp: 0231 - 2047 93
(Office Hour : Senin s/d Jumat)
© 2015-2025 PT. Hawk Teknologi Solusi